
Posts Tagged ‘there were even roller girls’

They are out to shatter perceptions, not records. They are here to see that striving together can open doors, and minds, and hearts…

From all over the world they arrive, waving the colors of their home regions in a pair of northern cities reinventing themselves.

A local senator and his Pulitzer Prize-winning wife [“I highly recommend voting records as a way to vet prospective dates…”] spoke of how having the Gay Games in Cleveland/Akron served many purposes, not the least of which was showing the world that Ohio regretted passing harsh anti-marriage legislation a decade ago.

Rainbow lights splash buildings all over downtown Cleveland tonight. Happy people mill about after the Opening Ceremonies, and look forward to tomorrow’s events.

Someone on a street corner commented that some of the music played reminded them of their age, and I said “If being older means that I’ve lived long enough to see _that_ in the skyline, and have these rings on my finger, I’m more than happy to own it.”


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